Lawyer with a bachelor's degree from the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Honduras (UNICAH).

Experience in the areas of: Family, Commercial and Administrative (Residence Procedures, Special Permits to Stay, Sanitary License, Environmental License, Operating Permits, National Tax Registration and Invoicing, Vehicle Transfers, Deeds of Sale, Donations, Cancellation Acts, Divorce Application by mutual consent, Inheritance Application, Request for Validation of Titles before the National Autonomous University, Accompaniment in Transit and Labor Hearings, Support in Transit and Labor Hearings, Inheritance Application, Validation of Titles before the National Autonomous University, Application for Divorce by Mutual Consent, Application for Inheritance, Processing of Validation of Titles before the National Autonomous University, Accompaniment in Transit and Labour Hearings, Elaboration of Incorporation of Limited Liability Companies, Corporations and sole traders.

Serving in the Firm as a member of the team of responsible and competent professionals providing services as Compliance Counsel.